I haven't seen a movie for long time
I don't know where's the blockbuster or Asia1
I was live in the villa alone last night
Sometimes,we need some places to relax ourselves
Maybe this year is a long long holiday for me
So I decide to go around the all spots in Siraya
although the area is so large
TO BE OR NOT TO BE always the most important question

I called a friend yesterday
She told me that my EXboss have fired by the company
In fact,I know the news already
Poor Hoawer Liu
To you this will be a new challenge
But it's a new chance to reborn,too
Life is like a river,we never know who will come in or out,what will happen!
Your fresh ideas are too quick that makes you be attacked
I know what's right or wrong
Just like what I said:[To the right thing,go for it]
Hope you can have a brand new tomorrow

One of my seniors is comming back
He stayed in Siraya all night to avoid the destory of the heavy rain
Maybe next time that will be me
It's an easy job,un~~

We feel the same loneliness
We make the different happiness

No matter what,the choice is on our own


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